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2024 Disc in cardboard sleeve ‘Gaia, le chant de la terre’ is the second...
Sponsor 2025 membership Entitles you to the exclusive download of ‘JPL -...
Standard membership 2025 Entitles you to the exclusive download of ‘JPL...
JPL Rétrospections Volume 2 This record is a collection of mostly unreleased music written between 1992 and 2005. It is the follower of « Retrospections Vol.1 » released in 2008. A new JPL album containing 100% of new music will be out in early 2017! Enjoy!
JPL - "Le livre blanc" March 21st, 2017 Digipak CD + 12 pages booklet
After a 7 years wait, here is at last the new album of the Parisians!Release on March 31st.
111 was born from envy, from the need to tell the story of a life, from a confinement within oneself, from a break with the world and then from a meeting that will turn everything upside down, make a little light appear through these invisible walls.Lyrics and music: JP Louveton
KÂMA is a progressive rock band, mixing influences (electro, pop-punk, post-rock, metal ...) and origins (India, Auvergne, Paris). Definitely rock, the sound of the album "Les Foules Prosternées" is fresh, melodic and surprising. Sung in French, the songs mix the stories and the critics of Human Being weaknesses.